Which Best Revises Sentence 3 To Make It More Precise

Which best revises sentence 3 to make it more precise – In the realm of writing, precision is paramount. This exploration delves into the art of revising sentences to maximize their clarity and accuracy. Focusing on sentence 3, we will uncover strategies to eliminate redundancies, clarify ambiguities, and harness specific details to craft a more precise and impactful sentence.

Precision in writing not only enhances clarity but also strengthens the impact of the message conveyed. By carefully considering each word and phrase, writers can ensure that their ideas are communicated with the utmost precision, leaving no room for misinterpretation or ambiguity.

Revising Sentence 3 for Precision

Which best revises sentence 3 to make it more precise

In academic writing, precision is paramount for conveying clear and concise ideas. Sentence 3 of the given passage can be improved by eliminating redundant phrases, clarifying ambiguous terms, incorporating specific details, and reorganizing the sentence structure to enhance clarity.

Identifying Redundant Phrases

Redundant phrases are unnecessary repetitions that add no additional information. In sentence 3, the phrase “in order to” is redundant because the verb “facilitate” already implies purpose.

Eliminating Ambiguous Language

Ambiguous language can lead to confusion and misinterpretation. In sentence 3, the term “effective” is ambiguous because it can have multiple meanings. It can be replaced with a more specific term such as “efficient” or “successful.”

Using Specific Details, Which best revises sentence 3 to make it more precise

Specific details provide concrete information that makes the sentence more precise. In sentence 3, adding specific details about the research methods used would enhance clarity. For example, “conducted a survey of 100 participants” or “analyzed data from a longitudinal study.”

Reorganizing Sentence Structure

The order of the sentence elements can affect its clarity. In sentence 3, rearranging the elements to place the main clause at the beginning would improve the flow and readability. For example, “The research facilitated the identification of factors that influence student success.”

Utilizing Active Voice

Active voice makes the subject of the sentence the doer of the action. In sentence 3, converting to active voice would emphasize the role of the research in identifying the factors. For example, “The research identified factors that influence student success.”

HTML Table for Comparison

Original Sentence Revised Sentence Explanation of Revision
The research was conducted in order to facilitate the identification of factors that influence student success. The research identified factors that influence student success. Removed redundant phrase “in order to facilitate” and clarified ambiguous term “effective.”

Common Queries: Which Best Revises Sentence 3 To Make It More Precise

What are some common pitfalls to avoid when revising sentences for precision?

Common pitfalls include using redundant phrases, employing ambiguous language, and neglecting to provide specific details. These practices can lead to sentences that are unclear, confusing, or lacking in impact.

How can I ensure that my revised sentences are grammatically correct?

After revising sentences for precision, it is essential to check for grammatical correctness. This can be done by using grammar-checking tools or by carefully reviewing the sentences for any errors in grammar or punctuation.